

As a new mom, I found there were several classes offered where I could try to get my body back in shape. There were classes that were specifically geared for my baby or to teach me about parenting. But there wasn’t anything available where I could try to be creative and feed my brain while still focusing on my child…something I desperately needed from being so sleep deprived.

So, Mommie Brain was born.

Writing groups for moms and moms to be. Mommie Brain has been featured in Daily Candy, The Savvy Parent, What The Flicka and more.

Mommie Brain as a class and column is currently on hiatus due to motherhood. (That’s a lesson in irony right there.)

And while I don’t only always lead with my uterus. I do have a lot to say about the motherhood experience and I still write about Motherhood a lot. Selected writing on motherhood is below.

Thanks for reading!

Connecting Over An Order Of Fries

Carried Away

Ben, I am Your Brother: How Star Wars Saved Our Family

“Mom!! You WROTE About Me??” Question of Boundaries and Ethics for Mothers Writing

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